Foteini Vergidou

Foteini Vergidou is a curator, researcher and project manager based in Athens, working on the intersection between art and digital culture.

Safe Mode: Amplified Realities | Exhibition
Art & Technology: the new generation of Greek artists (born after 1985) | Publication
HER DATA | Exhibition
Aristomenis Theodoropoulos – OUT | Exhibition
The Root | Exhibition
Project Management | Public Installation: The Plait at Sculpture Terrace, Westersingel, Rotterdam
Project Management | Public Installation: Frieze Sculpture Park 2020
Project Management | Public Installation: Mayfair Art Weekend 2020
Project Management | Exhibition: It still is as it always was 2020
The Wrong Biennale 2019 – 2020 | The Hysterophimia Pavilion
TILT platform 2019 | Exhibition Iasis
Project Management | Exhibition BOUND 2019
Editor | Ferocious Urbanites
ADAF 2016 | Exhibition Digital Pop
ADAF 2015 | Exhibition Public Space_s
Kappatos Athens Art Residency | Santiago Sierra 2015
Kappatos Athens Art Residency | Martin Creed 2015